Saturday, November 17, 2018

Xiegu Communications new XPA 125B 100w Solid State Amplifer

Contact Xiegu at: Xiegu Communications

Xiegu Communications has really been busy on the amateur radio front with new radio's appearing on the market soon, teaming up with MFJ in the United States as a selling partner and then the release of their XPA125B 100w Solid-State Linear Power Amplifier.

This new design and shape of the amplifier give it a modern shack sleek design look and will fit nicely in the shack and tuck away. Measuring in at 260mm x 160mm x70mm and weighing in at 3kg makes this radio easy to carry and move around. Carry handle on the left side of the radio makes it nice to grab from place to place.

The amplifier mates with the Xiegu X5105 and X108G using the provided cables and maximum power is controlled via the ALC from the radios. To connect with the X5105 the CE-19 interface is required but with the X108G only ACC cable is required and of course your coax jumper. As well this amplifier has a built in tuner that will work in the amateur radio bands from 160m up to 6m. Runs on 12-15v and needs a power supply capable of 30A for maximum power output and draws a mere 700ma on standby. 100w on 1.8-30 MHz and approximately 80w on 6 meters. It can be used on SSB and CW and other modes without any issues using Xiegu radios.

The antenna tuning unit (ATU) says it can handle an impedance of 14-500 ohms and tunes very quickly. Band switching can be done either manually or through the radio itself .

The LCD display will show you all pertinent information with regards to band, temperature of amplifier, voltage, current draw, SWR, On/OFF status, RX and TX mode, and ATU status with regards to ATU being on or off.

Connection of this amplifier can be used with other QRP radios but appropriate cables would have to be made for specific radios used. The manual does show the ACC port and talks about PTT voltages and makes mention of pin 2 being PTT input voltage control. The amplifier is also fused for protection in the event the amplifier goes in current overload or a short appears.

Looking at the first version (left) and the newest amplifier(right) you can see the nice design changes that have been made:

 This is just a quick overview of the amplifier and some of what Xiegu is introducing into the amateur radio market. Video of the unit up and running will be available soon and more reviews to follow.
As well Xiegu is introducing 2 more QRP to the market in the distant future.


Check out my YouTube Channel as well for more radio and camping stuff:


Monday, January 29, 2018

Winter Field Day 2018

Well did WFD 2018 from my tent location, no big bragging score or anything to write home about, but I got out,spent the weekend, drilled holes on the Lake to do some fishing, some quadding and of course operated radio.
Saturday was -2c, Saturday night got down to -15c and with windchill was -24c.
Tent was 32c at the peak and lowest temp was 5c....

So here is the link to my video of WFD 2018, I will post next video of drilling holes in 2' of ice and playing on the quad.
